
My name is Graham Luke. I’ve been dreaming about running a company since childhood. I know what I’m doing and this is the beginning. Not what I expected, doing this, on the web like this, but this is the way it has to be done. I have a lot of management experience and have been studying business/entrepreneurship for a long time, not to mention game design and development.

I am 26 years old. I’ve given up most things so that I may do this and am ready to finally share. I have 6 years of research and theory to pour into a game, and I am going to do it with a team, created ad-hoc from my network of friends, family and people from the internet – that’s you.

We’ll be self-sufficient at some point. In fact I originally planned to self-fund the beginnings of my studio, but I realized that that would be cheating a little. I want to work from scratch. Explaining why is a long story. I think the results will be stronger this way.

Anyway if you want to donate you can. Everything will go to production costs, hosting of data etc. As soon as profits can be made I’ll remove the option to donate and move to a free-to-play system. Don’t worry, I won’t use micro-transactions. I’ll have a strong demo that offers a “buy full version” option. Existing collaborators will never have to pay to upgrade.

Thank you for reading. I have never donated across the internet but I tip well so maybe my Karma is good.*
* This use of “Karma” is incorrect.

Current goal:

  • pay for hosting


  • more organized: track usage to improve content and page flows*
  • better presentation: use custom templates to make reading more natural

* Getting you to what you want faster and more easily.


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